Fractal Waveflux (2023)
Fractal Waveflux (2023)

“The self-organization of wave alignment refers to the spontaneous arrangement of waves in a system, often observed in physics and nature. This phenomenon occurs when individual waves synchronize or align their phases, leading to organized patterns. Examples include laser light coherence and synchronized behavior in certain biological systems.”

Birch Wood


24³ in.

Harmonics (2018)
Harmonics (2018)

Harmonics made from particles travelling in space.

Silkscreen on Linen


50 in. x 28 in. x 3 in. (approx.)

Spherical Harmony (2022)
Spherical Harmony (2022)

A three-dimensional chord delimited by a sphere.

Birch Wood

Cadmium Red

24³ in.

Field (2023)
Field (2023)

Field of Particles

Silkscreen on Linen

Black and White

60 x 30 in. approx

Harmonic Interactions (2021)
Harmonic Interactions (2021)

“In a strange way, Pythagorean’s fixation with musical ratios was resurrected-kind of-in the twentieth century, with the discovery that planetary orbits do in fact exhibit certain celestial harmonies or, more precisely, orbital resonances. For example: Neptune and Pluto (though the latter is no longer considered a planet) are locked in a 3:2 resonance, meaning that Neptune completes three orbits around the Sun in the same time that Pluto completes two. Resonances also occur among the satellites of planetary systems: Jupiter’s moons Io and Europa are locked in a 2:1 resonance, while Saturn’s Titan and Hyperion have a 4:3 resonance. Add to these our own Moon, whose rotation period is the same as its synodic (new moon to new moon) orbital period around Earth, locking them in a 1:1 synchronous rotation. Aha! 1:1, 3:2, 4:3, and 2:1 are none other than the musical intervals of unison, fifth, fourth, and octave - The Pythagorean perfect consonances. Poor Kepler, who spent half of his professional life in a vain attempt to derive the laws of planetary orbits from those of musical harmony, may have been right after all!” - E. Maor

Waveforms interacting in harmony.


Automobile Paint

6.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 ft.

Towards Harmony (2022)
Towards Harmony (2022)

“The planets, whether they were pulled in by the sun or cast into space from the prime mass of the sun or 'bred in the primal cosmic broth,’ cannot possibly have been revolving around the sun in harmonic orbits from the beginning. They must have 'found’ these orbits after millions or billions of years. This means that the harmony of the orbits was a (finally reached) goal. This is what is so extraordinary - that in spite of the billions of possibilities, the goal was reached with such remarkable determination.” - Brerendt.

Frequencies converging, echoing the intricate web of Indra's Net.

Silkscreen on Linen

36 in.

Triangular Harmony (2019)
Triangular Harmony (2019)

Triangular waveforms interacting in harmony.


Ultra Flat Matte Black

37.5³ in.

Psychophysics (2022)
Psychophysics (2022)

Frequency modulation.

Silkscreen on Linen

36 in.

CPTV (2023)
CPTV (2023)

CPT violation refers to a potential violation of the combined symmetries of Charge (C), Parity (P), and Time (T) in the context of particle physics. The CPT symmetry is a fundamental concept in quantum field theory and is considered a cornerstone of the standard model of particle physics. One consequence of CPT violation would be a difference in the properties of matter and antimatter. For example, if the charge of a positron does not exactly match that of an electron, the CPT symmetry would be violated.

Silkscreen on Linen

Black and White

40 x 60  in. approx

Cubic Entanglement (2022)
Cubic Entanglement (2022)

Standing Waves entanglement.


24³ in.

RF (2023)
RF (2023)

In particle physics and accelerator technology, radiofrequency (RF) fields are commonly used to accelerate charged particles, including protons, in radiofrequency cavities or RF accelerators.

Silkscreen on Linen

Black & White

40 x 40  in. approx.

Atomic Fluctuation (2021)
Atomic Fluctuation (2021)


Fabriano Paper

Black & White

19.5 x 19.5 in.

 Solo Exhibition at Artruss Gallery in Chicago 2023
Solo Exhibition at Artruss Gallery in Chicago 2023


Overtones (2023)

Silkscreen on Linen


78 x 55 in.


Air Columns (2022)


24³ in.

Eye Am (2020)
Eye Am (2020)

Standing Waves entanglement.


24³ in.

Spectral Displacement (2019)
Spectral Displacement (2019)

Spectral resonance extrusion accentuating harmonics.

Silkscreen on Linen


40 in. x 28 in. x 3 in.

Old Modulation (2017)
Old Modulation (2017)

Silkscreen on Wood Panel

36 x 36 in.

Internal Waveform (2017)
Internal Waveform (2017)

Sculpture representation of several frequencies affecting a single recirculation.


Spray paint coat/ Magenta

42in. x 32in. x 29 in. (approx.)

The Fourth 4:3 (2015)
The Fourth 4:3 (2015)

Sculptural representation of the musical interval “Perfect Fourth.”

ABS Dust

Cadmium Red

13³ in.

Structural Principles and their Application, Gold Leaf (2019)
Structural Principles and their Application, Gold Leaf (2019)

Abstraction of energy lines printed on a Matrix by different polyrhythmic structures.

Wood Panel and Gold Leaf

39 in. x 39 in. x 4 in.

Harmonic Protuberances (2020)
Harmonic Protuberances (2020)

This print shows several frequencies interacting with one another in 3D. The similarity with any other natural phenomena is uncanny. These symmetries are also called: Li Symmetries or Self Organizing Systems.


Edition Variable: Paper


8.5 in. x 11 in.

Air Columns (2022)
Air Columns (2022)

Harmonic Interactions in three-dimensions


24³ in.

Sea of Information (2020)
Sea of Information (2020)

This print is originally a picture of waves in a small lake in Palms Springs. The moonlight shined over the different wave patterns. All these patterns are turned into ASCII code. The artist interprets coded jello-like cosmos.

Silkscreen on Paper

Black & White

8.5 in. x 11 in.

CM7 (2017)
CM7 (2017)

Snapshot of the chord C Major 7th.

Silkscreen on Wood Panel

Gold & Black

36in. x 36 in. x 3 in.

Vertical Phase-Shifting (2021)
Vertical Phase-Shifting (2021)

Studies on Phase with waves defined by totemic structural anatomy. This sculpture shows when two signals are added together by a physical process, such as two periodic sound waves emitted by two sources and recorded together


10 x 3 x 3 in.

Harmonic Interactions (2021)
Harmonic Interactions (2021)

Waveforms interacting in harmony.


Automobile Paint

6.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 ft.

Glassdni (2019)
Glassdni (2019)

“If our eyes were more perfect, we would see atoms sing. A race of beings who had this sort of direct experience would no doubt include a high proportion of poets and atomic scientists.” - Frank Wilczek.

This cymatic three-dimensional structure is made with ultra-fast laser heads inside an optically perfect crystal. To achieve this imagery, approximately 5 million points were needed with spacing around .65mm apart giving crispness to the three-dimensional waveforms.


6³ in. (approx.)

Juxtaposition (2017)
Juxtaposition (2017)

Sculpture representation of several frequencies affecting a single recirculation.

ABS Dust

Ivory Black Acrylic Coating

15³ in. (approx.)

Intersecting Grids (2020)
Intersecting Grids (2020)

This print was made with a sound source and several matrices. We see how sound intersects in different parts, the geometric Matrix... bringing the pixels to light.


Edition Variable: Paper


8.5 in. x 11 in.

Lateral Perspective (2016)
Lateral Perspective (2016)

Sculpture representation of a Lateral Harmonic Fifth.

ABS Dust

Blue Acrylic Coating

13³ in. (approx.)

Birth (2021)
Birth (2021)

I am particularly interested in births, sprouts, pops, explosions, Big Bang, phenomena that are associated with outward release of energy. This phenomenon is the core of our existence. Even ideas germinate with this type of behavior as well as Supernovae, which occurs after the end of life of some types of stars.

With these types of explosions, nature is able to generate waves and transmit enormous amounts of energy that later evolves into the fragmentation of structures.

With this small sculpture, fragmentation of glass is possible through triangular waveforms exploding outwards and creating bits of structural components via laser.


6³ in. (approx.)

Harmonic Loop (2020)
Harmonic Loop (2020)

Sculpture representation of several frequencies affecting a single recirculation.

ABS Dust


13³ in. (approx.)

Star Weaving (2017)
Star Weaving (2017)

Sinusoid waves interacting in harmony.


Ivory Black Acrylic

15³ in. (approx.)

Triangular Waveform (2017)
Triangular Waveform (2017)

Triangular Waveforms in simple harmonic motion.

Acrylic and Silkscreen

Wooden Gesso Board

White, Black, and Yellow Neon.

30 in. x 30 in. x 3 in.

The Fifth 3:2 (2015)
The Fifth 3:2 (2015)

Sculptural representation of the Musical interval “Perfect Fifth.”


Rustic Neon Yellow

13³ in. (approx.)

Gmin 13th (2017)
Gmin 13th (2017)

Gmin 13th is a piece inspired by the composer Alexander Scriabin and his color and sound relationship “clavier à lumières” or “tastiera per luce,” where he describes the G tonic would be around the orange side of the spectrum.

Acrylic on Wood

Orange Neon Acrylic

38.5 in. x 38.5 in. x 5 in.

Modulations (2016)
Modulations (2016)

Sculpture representation of several frequencies affecting a single recirculation.

ABS Dust

Violet Coating

15³ in. (approx.)

Glass Noise (2017)
Glass Noise (2017)

Lasered frequencies into a crystalline solid cube.


6³ in.

Intersectional Modulation (2016)
Intersectional Modulation (2016)

Modulation of several sines interacting in harmony.

ABS Dust

Ivory Black Acrylic

13³ in. (approx.)

3K Volts (2017)
3K Volts (2017)

High-Voltage passed through a ball bearing and captured with long exposure. The color hue is created by the electrons colliding with the nitrogen in our atmosphere.


Fractal Waveflux (2023)
Harmonics (2018)
Spherical Harmony (2022)
Field (2023)
Harmonic Interactions (2021)
Towards Harmony (2022)
Triangular Harmony (2019)
Psychophysics (2022)
CPTV (2023)
Cubic Entanglement (2022)
RF (2023)
Atomic Fluctuation (2021)
 Solo Exhibition at Artruss Gallery in Chicago 2023
Eye Am (2020)
Spectral Displacement (2019)
Old Modulation (2017)
Internal Waveform (2017)
The Fourth 4:3 (2015)
Structural Principles and their Application, Gold Leaf (2019)
Harmonic Protuberances (2020)
Air Columns (2022)
Sea of Information (2020)
CM7 (2017)
Vertical Phase-Shifting (2021)
Harmonic Interactions (2021)
Glassdni (2019)
Juxtaposition (2017)
Intersecting Grids (2020)
Lateral Perspective (2016)
Birth (2021)
Harmonic Loop (2020)
Star Weaving (2017)
Triangular Waveform (2017)
The Fifth 3:2 (2015)
Gmin 13th (2017)
Modulations (2016)
Glass Noise (2017)
Intersectional Modulation (2016)
3K Volts (2017)
Fractal Waveflux (2023)

“The self-organization of wave alignment refers to the spontaneous arrangement of waves in a system, often observed in physics and nature. This phenomenon occurs when individual waves synchronize or align their phases, leading to organized patterns. Examples include laser light coherence and synchronized behavior in certain biological systems.”

Birch Wood


24³ in.

Harmonics (2018)

Harmonics made from particles travelling in space.

Silkscreen on Linen


50 in. x 28 in. x 3 in. (approx.)

Spherical Harmony (2022)

A three-dimensional chord delimited by a sphere.

Birch Wood

Cadmium Red

24³ in.

Field (2023)

Field of Particles

Silkscreen on Linen

Black and White

60 x 30 in. approx

Harmonic Interactions (2021)

“In a strange way, Pythagorean’s fixation with musical ratios was resurrected-kind of-in the twentieth century, with the discovery that planetary orbits do in fact exhibit certain celestial harmonies or, more precisely, orbital resonances. For example: Neptune and Pluto (though the latter is no longer considered a planet) are locked in a 3:2 resonance, meaning that Neptune completes three orbits around the Sun in the same time that Pluto completes two. Resonances also occur among the satellites of planetary systems: Jupiter’s moons Io and Europa are locked in a 2:1 resonance, while Saturn’s Titan and Hyperion have a 4:3 resonance. Add to these our own Moon, whose rotation period is the same as its synodic (new moon to new moon) orbital period around Earth, locking them in a 1:1 synchronous rotation. Aha! 1:1, 3:2, 4:3, and 2:1 are none other than the musical intervals of unison, fifth, fourth, and octave - The Pythagorean perfect consonances. Poor Kepler, who spent half of his professional life in a vain attempt to derive the laws of planetary orbits from those of musical harmony, may have been right after all!” - E. Maor

Waveforms interacting in harmony.


Automobile Paint

6.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 ft.

Towards Harmony (2022)

“The planets, whether they were pulled in by the sun or cast into space from the prime mass of the sun or 'bred in the primal cosmic broth,’ cannot possibly have been revolving around the sun in harmonic orbits from the beginning. They must have 'found’ these orbits after millions or billions of years. This means that the harmony of the orbits was a (finally reached) goal. This is what is so extraordinary - that in spite of the billions of possibilities, the goal was reached with such remarkable determination.” - Brerendt.

Frequencies converging, echoing the intricate web of Indra's Net.

Silkscreen on Linen

36 in.

Triangular Harmony (2019)

Triangular waveforms interacting in harmony.


Ultra Flat Matte Black

37.5³ in.

Psychophysics (2022)

Frequency modulation.

Silkscreen on Linen

36 in.

CPTV (2023)

CPT violation refers to a potential violation of the combined symmetries of Charge (C), Parity (P), and Time (T) in the context of particle physics. The CPT symmetry is a fundamental concept in quantum field theory and is considered a cornerstone of the standard model of particle physics. One consequence of CPT violation would be a difference in the properties of matter and antimatter. For example, if the charge of a positron does not exactly match that of an electron, the CPT symmetry would be violated.

Silkscreen on Linen

Black and White

40 x 60  in. approx

Cubic Entanglement (2022)

Standing Waves entanglement.


24³ in.

RF (2023)

In particle physics and accelerator technology, radiofrequency (RF) fields are commonly used to accelerate charged particles, including protons, in radiofrequency cavities or RF accelerators.

Silkscreen on Linen

Black & White

40 x 40  in. approx.

Atomic Fluctuation (2021)


Fabriano Paper

Black & White

19.5 x 19.5 in.

Solo Exhibition at Artruss Gallery in Chicago 2023


Overtones (2023)

Silkscreen on Linen


78 x 55 in.


Air Columns (2022)


24³ in.

Eye Am (2020)

Standing Waves entanglement.


24³ in.

Spectral Displacement (2019)

Spectral resonance extrusion accentuating harmonics.

Silkscreen on Linen


40 in. x 28 in. x 3 in.

Old Modulation (2017)

Silkscreen on Wood Panel

36 x 36 in.

Internal Waveform (2017)

Sculpture representation of several frequencies affecting a single recirculation.


Spray paint coat/ Magenta

42in. x 32in. x 29 in. (approx.)

The Fourth 4:3 (2015)

Sculptural representation of the musical interval “Perfect Fourth.”

ABS Dust

Cadmium Red

13³ in.

Structural Principles and their Application, Gold Leaf (2019)

Abstraction of energy lines printed on a Matrix by different polyrhythmic structures.

Wood Panel and Gold Leaf

39 in. x 39 in. x 4 in.

Harmonic Protuberances (2020)

This print shows several frequencies interacting with one another in 3D. The similarity with any other natural phenomena is uncanny. These symmetries are also called: Li Symmetries or Self Organizing Systems.


Edition Variable: Paper


8.5 in. x 11 in.

Air Columns (2022)

Harmonic Interactions in three-dimensions


24³ in.

Sea of Information (2020)

This print is originally a picture of waves in a small lake in Palms Springs. The moonlight shined over the different wave patterns. All these patterns are turned into ASCII code. The artist interprets coded jello-like cosmos.

Silkscreen on Paper

Black & White

8.5 in. x 11 in.

CM7 (2017)

Snapshot of the chord C Major 7th.

Silkscreen on Wood Panel

Gold & Black

36in. x 36 in. x 3 in.

Vertical Phase-Shifting (2021)

Studies on Phase with waves defined by totemic structural anatomy. This sculpture shows when two signals are added together by a physical process, such as two periodic sound waves emitted by two sources and recorded together


10 x 3 x 3 in.

Harmonic Interactions (2021)

Waveforms interacting in harmony.


Automobile Paint

6.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 ft.

Glassdni (2019)

“If our eyes were more perfect, we would see atoms sing. A race of beings who had this sort of direct experience would no doubt include a high proportion of poets and atomic scientists.” - Frank Wilczek.

This cymatic three-dimensional structure is made with ultra-fast laser heads inside an optically perfect crystal. To achieve this imagery, approximately 5 million points were needed with spacing around .65mm apart giving crispness to the three-dimensional waveforms.


6³ in. (approx.)

Juxtaposition (2017)

Sculpture representation of several frequencies affecting a single recirculation.

ABS Dust

Ivory Black Acrylic Coating

15³ in. (approx.)

Intersecting Grids (2020)

This print was made with a sound source and several matrices. We see how sound intersects in different parts, the geometric Matrix... bringing the pixels to light.


Edition Variable: Paper


8.5 in. x 11 in.

Lateral Perspective (2016)

Sculpture representation of a Lateral Harmonic Fifth.

ABS Dust

Blue Acrylic Coating

13³ in. (approx.)

Birth (2021)

I am particularly interested in births, sprouts, pops, explosions, Big Bang, phenomena that are associated with outward release of energy. This phenomenon is the core of our existence. Even ideas germinate with this type of behavior as well as Supernovae, which occurs after the end of life of some types of stars.

With these types of explosions, nature is able to generate waves and transmit enormous amounts of energy that later evolves into the fragmentation of structures.

With this small sculpture, fragmentation of glass is possible through triangular waveforms exploding outwards and creating bits of structural components via laser.


6³ in. (approx.)

Harmonic Loop (2020)

Sculpture representation of several frequencies affecting a single recirculation.

ABS Dust


13³ in. (approx.)

Star Weaving (2017)

Sinusoid waves interacting in harmony.


Ivory Black Acrylic

15³ in. (approx.)

Triangular Waveform (2017)

Triangular Waveforms in simple harmonic motion.

Acrylic and Silkscreen

Wooden Gesso Board

White, Black, and Yellow Neon.

30 in. x 30 in. x 3 in.

The Fifth 3:2 (2015)

Sculptural representation of the Musical interval “Perfect Fifth.”


Rustic Neon Yellow

13³ in. (approx.)

Gmin 13th (2017)

Gmin 13th is a piece inspired by the composer Alexander Scriabin and his color and sound relationship “clavier à lumières” or “tastiera per luce,” where he describes the G tonic would be around the orange side of the spectrum.

Acrylic on Wood

Orange Neon Acrylic

38.5 in. x 38.5 in. x 5 in.

Modulations (2016)

Sculpture representation of several frequencies affecting a single recirculation.

ABS Dust

Violet Coating

15³ in. (approx.)

Glass Noise (2017)

Lasered frequencies into a crystalline solid cube.


6³ in.

Intersectional Modulation (2016)

Modulation of several sines interacting in harmony.

ABS Dust

Ivory Black Acrylic

13³ in. (approx.)

3K Volts (2017)

High-Voltage passed through a ball bearing and captured with long exposure. The color hue is created by the electrons colliding with the nitrogen in our atmosphere.


show thumbnails